My name is Matt Cross.

I've spent the entirety of my adult life in the professional wrestling business. It has taken me all over the world. I've had enough experiences to last several lifetimes. Through everything, good or bad, wrestling has been there.

In January of 2017, during my first match of the year, I broke my leg in front of hundreds of cheering fans. I finished the match...

It's what we do.

In the months that followed, I lived with pain, both physical and mental. I tried to be sad, but a steady stream of messages pouring in from all over the world, at a meaningful time, helped me remain positive, motivated, and moving forward. Wrestling was helping one of its own

I was inspired...

I wanted to create something tangible that reflected this real sense of community I was experiencing. Something just as real as the emotion and sacrifice we pour into our art. I'm driven to outfit, and inform, as the world warms up to what we, the initiated, have known for so long.

We are the misunderstood, bonded together by something we can't explain, and that needs no explanation.

This is my vision, this is my heart, this is our rallying cry...

Wrestling is Forever
